Eco days of March: 2 World Wildlife Day | 20 World Sparrow Day | 21 World Forest Day
Eco days of March: 2 World Wildlife Day | 20 World Sparrow Day | 21 World Forest Day
Taloja Watershed is a hill range adjoining the Taloja Lake and Owe dam. It is a watershed zone as it separates the rainwaters flowing to different water bodies including Taloja Lake in the near vicinity. It is situated close to Sector 35 C in Kharghar, Navi Mumbai. The land belongs to Panvel Forest Dept. and the residents for Sector 35 have been carrying out environmental protection activity for the past few years. The forest department is keen that the local community take up the initiative of greening the hill. The hilly is largely denuded with fewer trees. There is an immediate requirement of soil control and afforestation of the hill. It will improve the water table as well as benefit the neighboring Owe village as well. Additionally, it will enhance the biodiversity of the region.
Reforestation should be used to build forest networks that are surrounded by low-intensity land use and that provide links within regions and between biomes. By reforesting Taloja Hill we will be providing a healthy linkage among the hill ranges of Kharghar and Belapur.
Project Location: Sector 35I, Taloja Jail Road, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai
Project Duration: September 2023-August 2024
Project Partner: Panvel Forest Dept.
Knowledge Partner: Ladybird Environmental Consultancy LLP.
Funding Agency: Worley Service India Pvt. Ltd
Project Outcomes:
Environmental Impact:
Economic Outcome:
Societal Outcome:
During the hot summer months of April and May, we diligently prepared the grounds for the upcoming monsoon plantation. In April, we dug 1,793 pits for tree saplings and shifted our focus to creating trenches for shrubs and herbs in May, ultimately completing 2,000 pits and 212 trenches. Despite the challenges posed by the summer heat, we
During the hot summer months of April and May, we diligently prepared the grounds for the upcoming monsoon plantation. In April, we dug 1,793 pits for tree saplings and shifted our focus to creating trenches for shrubs and herbs in May, ultimately completing 2,000 pits and 212 trenches. Despite the challenges posed by the summer heat, we successfully accomplished these tasks. Additionally, we constructed 23 contour bunds to prevent soil erosion.
In May, drone footage was captured to document the pre-plantation landscape, and a biodiversity survey was conducted to record the diversity present during the summer season. Regular watering was maintained until the rains became consistent in June. In the same month, we acquired plant saplings from various nurseries. Retention ponds were
created to recharge
ground water table. We also actively involved local community members in sapling bag making and plantation activities, fostering a sense of ownership and collaboration. Corporate employees volunteered for the plantation activity along with the local community members. 2000 tree saplings were planted in June.
Over the past three months, our project at Taloja Hills has seen significant progress in environmental conservation and community engagement efforts. Caretakers have implemented measures such as stream breakers to prevent erosion and promote watershed management, crucial for preserving the delicate ecosystem. Dr. Ketki's bird trail attr
Over the past three months, our project at Taloja Hills has seen significant progress in environmental conservation and community engagement efforts. Caretakers have implemented measures such as stream breakers to prevent erosion and promote watershed management, crucial for preserving the delicate ecosystem. Dr. Ketki's bird trail attracted 12 enthusiastic participants, fostering awareness and appreciation for avian biodiversity. Plantation efforts have begun with digging underway to enhance green cover and habitat restoration. Simultaneously, ongoing watering initiatives ensure the health and robust growth of newly planted vegetation, reflecting our commitment to sustainable stewardship of Taloja Hills' natural resources. Additionally, community engagement activities like sapling bag making events and community meetings have actively involved local residents, reinforcing a sense of ownership and responsibility towards environmental conservation.
September to December 2023, our caretakers diligently improved the project's infrastructure, including repairing nurseries and cabins for enhanced functionality. Conducted site mapping to identify intervention points on two hills and ensured the protection of plants by repairing tree guards. A significant plantation effort, led by our car
September to December 2023, our caretakers diligently improved the project's infrastructure, including repairing nurseries and cabins for enhanced functionality. Conducted site mapping to identify intervention points on two hills and ensured the protection of plants by repairing tree guards. A significant plantation effort, led by our caretakers, included species like Agave, Wild Banana plants, Clerodendron, and Vetiver to combat soil erosion effectively. They also collected stones for pond lining to conserve water. Biodiversity surveys and a site visit by Dr. V. Shubhalaxmi deepened our understanding of the local ecosystem. Invasive species removal and perimeter fence restoration were also carried out by our caretakers, who maintained plant health through watering and de-weeding. Grass removal for fire prevention and community engagement initiatives were actively pursued, with 411 participants joining in eight community events, illustrating strong community involvement and support for our project.